Beetroot dip with feta and walnuts

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Beetroot dip with feta and walnuts

Beetroot dip with feta and walnuts

I first tasted this beetroot dip, known as Beetroot Borani, at the wonderful Muiño restaurant in Bristol.  However, it's also apparently a very popular dish at Morito, Sam and Sam Clark's famous tapas restaurant in London.

In their recipe, they use 700g beetroot, but I found the dip to be a bit bland (heresy I know!), which is why I've used the same amount of other ingredients but almost halved the amount of beetroot. 

They also recommend boiling the beetroot, but I prefer to roast mine in foil as I feel it intensifies that delicious flavour.  (If you are short of time, just use pre-cooked!)

Finally, when adding the ingredients to the chopped beetroot, then I'd recommend adding half and tasting, and then adjusting to suit your own personal taste.



400g fresh beetroot (or pre-cooked beetroot)

Garlic clove

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

4 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt

2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

Fresh dill - to taste


120g feta

Handful of walnut pieces

Nigella seeds



  1. Pre-heat the oven to 190c.
  2. Top and tail the beetroots, leaving a little of the stalk intact and then cut any large beetroot in half.
  3. Place each beetroot (or half beetroot) in a piece of foil and drizzle with a little olive oil.  Wrap the beetroot in the foil and place in the hot oven.
  4. Cook the beetroot for 1 - 1½ hours, until tender.  To test if the beetroot is ready, remove from the oven and check how soft the beetroot are by inserting a small, sharp knife.  If it slides in easily, then the beetroot is cooked.
  5. Once the beetroot is ready, remove from the oven, unwrap the foil and leave to cool.
  6. Once the beetroot has cooled down enough to touch, remove the remaining stalk and peel or rub off the skin (this is the frustrating bit!). 
  7. Cut the beetroot into bite-sized chunks and place in a food processor and blend until you have a rough purée (you don't want it too smooth).
  8. Spoon the purée into a bowl.
  9. Peel the garlic clove and using a fine grater (I use a microplane), grate into the purée.
  10. Add the olive oil, yoghurt, red wine vinegar and a tablespoon or two of finely chopped dill. Season and mix well to combine.
  11. Taste and adjust as required.
  12. When ready to serve, top with crumbled feta, walnuts, nigella seeds and some more finely chopped dill.

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