Carrot, cumin and feta fritters

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Carrot, cumin and feta fritters

Carrot, cumin and feta fritters

I love fritters and this combination of sweet carrot, earthy cumin and tangy feta is just delicious. 

However, be warned, it's quite easy to make fritters that are soggy and stodgy in the middle and to be honest, I've made quite a few of those!

If you want to make great fritters then it's important that you remove any excess moisture from the mix.  Carrots aren't too bad, but if you use a vegetable such as courgettes, then do salt them and drain them first.

Ideally, use a cold egg and chill the mix before frying, as this prevents the fritters absorbing too much oil.  Finally, keep the fritters small and thin, to avoid those soggy middles!



Serves 2 for a light lunch

Double ingredients to serve 4

150g carrots

75g feta

1 teaspoon of cumin

1-2 tablespoons of plain flour

1 medium sized egg (cold)


Vegetable or sunflower oil



  1. Top and tail, peel and grate the carrots.
  2. Sprinkle over a little salt and mix to combine.
  3. Break up the feta into the carrot.
  4. Add the cumin, flour, egg and ground black pepper.
  5. Mix well to combine and then place in the fridge for 30 minutes. 
  6. After 30 minutes, heat about 0.5cm of vegetable or sunflower oil in the bottom of a frying pan.
  7. When the oil is shimmering, then drop in a spoon of the mixture into the pan and immediately flatten with the back of the spoon.  Repeat, being careful not to overcrowd the pan, as this will lower the temperature of the oil.
  8. When the fritters look to be more stable (they look as if they've sealed on the bottom), use a flat fish slice to carefully flip them.  They should be lovely and golden.  Cook for a few more minutes, until the other side is lovely and golden.
  9. Remove from the pan and drain on a plate lined with kitchen roll.
  10. Serve with a side salad and a good dollop of mango chutney!

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