Crispy parma ham and soft boiled egg salad

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Crispy parma ham and soft-boiled egg salad

Crispy parma ham and soft boiled egg salad

Like many people, I love ham and eggs together, so decided to make a simple salad using parma ham and soft boiled eggs.

If you have time, then it's really worth griddling the parma ham, to get that lovely crispy texture. It's a great contrast to the softness of the eggs.

I've used a honey and mustard dressing, made with golden rapeseed oil, Dijon and cider vinegar.  It goes really well and the colour is just beautiful!



Serves 2 or 4 as a starter

For the salad

Bag of mixed green salad

3 eggs

6 cherry tomatoes

1 yellow pepper

½ red onion

1/4 cucumber

4 slices of Parma ham

For the dressing

6 tablespoons of rapeseed oil

1 tablespoon of runny honey

1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard

2 tablespoons of cider vinegar




  1. Place the eggs in a pan of cold water, bring to the boil, cover and cook for 5-6 minutes. Remove from the water and place in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Remove the shells from the eggs and cut into quarters.
  3. Slice the tomatoes in half.
  4. Cut the pepper into thin strips and the cucumber into small dice.
  5. Cut the onion in half and then slice very thinly.
  6. Place the salad leaves in the salad bowls or plates and top with the remaining ingredients.
  7. Mix the dressing ingredients together.
  8. Heat a griddle pan and once it's up to temperature, lay the parma ham slices onto the pan.  Once they start to turn crispy, flip them over for a couple of minutes.
  9. Remove the ham slices from the griddle and lay over the salad,
  10. Serve with the dressing.

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