Spiced chicken, pepper and salsa salad

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Mexican spiced chicken, pepper and salsa salad

Mexican spiced chicken, pepper and salsa salad

This should really be called, Mexican leftover salad, as I often make it the day after we've had tacos or fajitas. 

The salad works best with a crisp lettuce, so iceberg or Romaine or Dolce verde lettuce hearts, work really well.

It's a lovely fresh and zingy salad, which is a nice alternative to the heavier Mexican dishes (although there's nothing wrong with a good plate of nachos!)



Serves 4

Mexican roasted peppers and onions


Iceberg lettuce

1-2 ripe avocados

Juice of 1 lime (optional)

½ chicken breast per person

Crisp lettuce




  1. Make the Mexican roasted peppers and onions.
  2. Make the Tomato salsa.
  3. Slice the lettuce and place in a salad bowl(s).
  4. Throw over some of the peppers and onions.
  5. Peel, stone and slice the avocado
  6. If you want to stop the avocado discolouring then brush or squeeze over some lime juice.
  7. Slice the chicken breast and fry in olive oil, over a medium heat until golden brown and cooked through (about 5 minutes depending on the size of your chicken pieces).
  8. Add the avocado and chicken to the salad and spoon over the salsa.

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