Romano pepper and Manchego quesadillas

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Romano pepper & manchego quesadillas

Romano pepper & manchego quesadillas

This Quesadilla recipe is a result of not having very much food left in the house!  We always have a pack of soft taco wraps or flour tortillas, as they have a long shelf life and are a great fallback if you run out of bread.

I had Romano peppers, spring onions and coriander leftover from making other recipes and there's always a pack of sweetcorn in the freezer. 

The method below recommends that you flip your wrap in the pan, but it can get a bit messy if you're not careful.  If you want to play it safe, then spread the mix over the whole tortilla and then simply fold one half over the other at the end.



1-2 tablespoons of olive oil.

2 Romano peppers

Bunch of spring onions

Fajita seasoning (to taste)

100g of tinned or frozen sweetcorn

100g of Manchego

Handful of fresh coriander


2 soft taco wraps (or flour tortillas)



  1. Cut the Romano peppers in half lengthways and remove the seeds. Cut into approx 1cm dice.
  2. Slice the spring onions into rings, up to the darker green pieces.
  3. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat.  Once the pan is hot, throw in the peppers and sprinkle over the fajita seasoning. Fry for a few minutes until they start to soften and turn brown at the edges.
  4. Add the spring onions and stir to combine.  Fry for a couple more minutes and then tip into a bowl.
  5. Drain the tinned sweetcorn.  If using frozen sweetcorn then place in a tupperware and pour over boiling water.  Drain well after a couple of minutes.
  6. Add the sweetcorn to the pepper and onion mix.
  7. Grate the Manchego into the bowl.
  8. Finely chop some coriander and coriander stalk and mix it into the other ingredients.
  9. Heat a non-stick frying pan and lay the taco wrap or tortilla in the bottom of the pan.
  10. Spoon half of the pepper and manchego mix onto one half of the wrap.
  11. Using a fish slice, lift up the empty side of the wrap, to fold over and cover the mixture.
  12. After a couple of minutes, carefully use the fish slice to  flip the wrap.  Cook for a few more minutes until the underside of the wrap starts to turn golden and crispy.
  13. Remove from the pan and cut into large slices.

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