Salad Nicoise

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Salad Nicoise

Salad Nicoise

Salad Nicoise always reminds me of a fabulous weekend break in Nice, with my then boyfriend, now husband.  It was late March, but the weather was glorious, and we enjoyed a fabulous Salad Nicoise in Place Charles Felix in the wonderful old town of Nice.

It's a delicious salad that is said to have originated in Nice, and traditionally includes tomatoes, tuna and/or anchovies, hard boiled eggs and olive oil or vinaigrette.

In my version, I have also included steamed green beans and waxy potatoes, which make it a more substantial meal, but it's just as lovely without.



Serves 2 or 4 as a starter

For the salad

Bag of mixed green salad

3 eggs

6 small waxy potatoes

6 cherry tomatoes

10-14 fine green beans

Handful of nicoise or taggiasca olives

150g tin of white tuna (104g drained)

For the French vinaigrette dressing

6 tablespoons of olive oil

2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar

1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard

1 garlic clove (finely grated or crushed)




  1. Place the eggs in a pan of cold water, bring to the boil, cover and cook for 5-6 minutes. Remove from the water and place in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Top and tail the green beans.
  3. Place the potatoes and green beans in separate  steamer tiers.
  4. Pour boiling water into a steamer pan and bring back to the boil, then cook the potatoes for 12 minutes.
  5. Now add a further steamer tier to the pan, containing the fine green beans. Cook for a further 8 minutes.
  6. Place the green beans in a bowl of cold water.
  7. Let the potatoes cool, and then peel (the skins should just come off using your fingers).  Cut them into halves or quarters.
  8. Remove the shells from the eggs and cut into quarters.
  9. Slice the tomatoes in half.
  10. Drain the tuna.
  11. Place the salad leaves in the salad bowls or plates and top with the remaining ingredients.
  12. Mix the French vinaigrette ingredients together and dress the salad.

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