Tricolore salad

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Tricolore salad

Tricolore salad

This is such a simple, refreshing salad, that is absolutely perfect for a hot, sunny day.  The key is to use good quality ingredients -  heritage tomatoes are my preference (but vine ripened or cherry are fine),  creamy mozzarella and a ripe avocado.  Make sure that the tomatoes have been out of the fridge for a while and are up to room temperature, or you'll lose some of the flavour.

Probably heresy, but I also sometimes include a few quartered green olives (fresh rather than tinned), but they are completely optional.  Finally I like to drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil and an aged balsamic, which just makes the salad zing. 



Serves 2

1 ripe avocado

2 large vine tomatoes or equivalent

125g mozzarella

Handful of green olives (optional and not traditional!)

Basil leaves

Extra virgin olive oil

Balsamic vinegar



  1. Peel and stone the avocado.
  2. Drain the mozzarella.
  3. Cut up the avocado and tomatoes, and tear the mozzarella and scatter over the plate.
  4. Throw on the basil leaves and season.
  5. Drizzle over the olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  6. Serve with fresh, crusty bread.

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