Red cabbage, walnut and cranberry slaw - coming soon

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Red cabbage, walnut and cranberry slaw

Red cabbage, walnut and

cranberry slaw

I panic bought rather a large red cabbage at Christmas and as I had lots leftover, I decided to make a red cabbage slaw to accompany a Stilton and mushroom quiche I was making.

I threw in some walnut pieces and dried cranberries to add some extra texture and a bit of sweetness, and then contrasted that by adding a tangy, cider vinegar dressing.



For the salad:

1 large carrot

½ small red onion

½ small red cabbage

Walnut halves or pieces

Dried cranberries

For the dressing:

1 tablespoon of runny honey

1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard

2 tablespoons of cider vinegar

6 tablespoons of olive or rapeseed oil




  1. Peel the carrots and cut into matchsticks (julienne)
  2. Remove the tough outer leaves from the cabbage and then cut in half.  Remove the stalk and tough core and then slice as thinly as possible.
  3. Cut the onion in half and then finely slice.
  4. Mix the cabbage, carrot and onion together and throw in a handful of walnut pieces and a handful of dried cranberries. 
  5. Place all the dressing ingredients into a jug and mix well to combine.
  6. Pour some of the dressing over the salad and mix to combine, adding more dressing as required.

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