Stilton and mushroom quiche

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Stilton stuffed Portobello mushrooms with pine nuts and parsley

Stilton and mushroom quiche

As you can tell from my Modern British and European recipes, I like Stilton with mushrooms! In this recipe, I've combined chestnut mushrooms and Stilton with onion and thyme to create a lovely quiche filling.

I have to admit that I often buy ready made pastry but like to make it myself when I have the time, so I've provided options for both.  My pastry is always on the short side, which means it's a pain to roll, but if you want something easier then just add more water to the mix (but be warned - it won't taste as good!).

As the quiche is quite rich, it goes really well with a tangy, cider vinegar coleslaw such as my red cabbage, walnut and cranberry slaw.  Perfect for a lunch or as a larger meal served with new potatoes and green salad.



Serves 4

For the pastry

Pack of all butter shortcrust pastry


make your own shortcrust pastry

For the quiche filling (for 20cm quiche tin)

Knob of butter

Olive oil

75g onion

100g chestnut mushrooms

4 sprigs of fresh thyme

200g Stilton

4 eggs

150ml single or double cream



To prepare the pastry case

  1. Butter the 20cm quiche tin and then dust with flour.
  2. Dust a rolling pin and roll the pastry (turning the pastry after each roll), to a depth of 4-5mm.
  3. Lay the pastry over the rolling pin and drape over the quiche tin.   Mould the pastry into the tin, making sure that you push the pastry into the case, being generous with the pastry around the edges.
  4. Leave 3-4cm of pastry overhanging the edges of the tin.
  5. Return to the fridge for 30 minutes.
  6. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C

To blind bake the pastry

  1. Remove the pastry case from the fridge and use a fork to gently stab the pastry.
  2. Crumple up a piece of greaseproof paper that is slightly larger than the pastry tin and place into the pastry case.
  3. Fill with baking beans and then place in the hot oven for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove from the oven and then remove the greaseproof paper and baking beans. Brush the case with beaten egg and return to the oven for 5 minutes.
  5. Remove from the oven and lower the oven temperature to 190°C

To make the quiche filling

  1. Peel the onion, quarter and then thinly slice.
  2. Halve the larger mushrooms and then slice.
  3. Melt the butter with a drizzle of olive oil in a small fry pan and then sauté the onions until they are translucent.
  4. Now pull the thyme leaves off the thyme stems and add with the mushrooms to the pan, along with a little more butter/oil if needed.
  5. Sauté the onions and mushrooms until no liquid remains and they are golden/slightly browned.
  6. Spread the mix over the bottom of the pastry shell.
  7. Break the stilton into pieces and scatter over the onions and mushrooms.
  8. Whisk two eggs and 1 egg yolk with the cream and seasoning, and then pour over the stilton.
  9. Place in the hot oven for 25 minutes.

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